Permanent Magnetic Pulleys

Here how star trace heavy-duty magnetic pulleys remove tramp metal. Star trace magnetic separator pulleys are ideally used as head pulleys in belt continuous and automatic removal of tramp metal from material flow. As the tramp metal contaminated material comes within the pulley magnetic field, the ferrous tramp will be attracted and held to a belt until it reaches the underside. It will then pass separately out of the magnetic field and be discharged into a chute of bin. The cleaned, non-magnetic material is discharged normally over the pulley in a vertical drop.

The comprehensive STAR TRACE line of powerful permanent magnet separation pulleys meet the size and installation requirements of most conveyor systems applications. Installed as head pulleys in conveyor systems the STAR TRACE permanent magnet pulleys provide effective, full time automatic tramp metal removal.

  • permanent magnetic pulleys

STAR TRACE magnetic pulleys are provided in four different hub styles-extended hubs, flush hubs, recessed hubs and with no hubs. Pulley shafts are removable mild steel and are available with optional stainless steel shaft. Standard pulley sizes range from 4 different by 10 face width.

STAR TRACE pulleys are available with or without lagging and with crowned or flat faces. STAR TRACE pulleys provide many years of durability and extended service life.

  • 304 Stainless steel faces.
  • Removable mild Steel shaft.
  • Four hub styles.
  • Flat face.
  • Keyway and set screws.
  • Tapper Locks.
  • Crowned face.
  • Fixed shaft.
  • Lagging.
  • Stainless steel shaft.
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